Our Savior's First Lutheran
Where We Share
"The Love and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ"
"Please Come Worship With Us"
We are located at
16603 San Fernando Mission Blvd.,
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(Corner of San Fernando Mission and Hayvenhurst)
Worship Services
Sunday 10am
Word, Praise and Hymn Music Worship
Wednesday 7pm
Word and Praise Music Worship
All services are in-person
(Our Services are also live streamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube)
Bible Studies
Sunday 9:00 am and Monday 7:00 pm
Our Worship Services are a Christ-focused Worship
adapted from the Lutheran Service Book (LSB)
with appropriate hymns and songs.
Questions - Please call the Church Office at
(818) 363-9505 or email at cadmin@osflcs.com
Church Office Hours M-F 8:30 am - 5 pm
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod